Collection: Active Wear

It goes without saying that you should wear a correctly fitted and suitably supportive sports bra during exercise. The type of bra you will need will depend on several factors. Firstly it is important to consider whether you intend to do high or low impact activities. For example, low impact could be yoga or Pilates, whereas high impact could be running or horse-riding. As a rule, the higher the impact, the more you will feel the bounce!

Another point to consider is whether you have a smaller or lighter bust, or whether your bust is fuller or heavier. Again, as a rule, the larger or heavier the bust, the more likely you will feel the bounce!

Finally, we all have our own personal likes and dislikes, whether it be a preference to having a wired bra or a dislike of padded bras or vice versa, so you will have to consider this also when choosing the right bra for you.

If you are unsure and need any help, please get in touch through our 'contact page' or feel free to call us during shop opening hours as we will be more than happy to assist.

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  • Freya Active Power Sculpt Sports Legging
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